Friday, December 29, 2023

Things We Don't Have

I heard the most fascinating thing the other day while grabbing some food.  This particular establishment had a line up of large coffee thermoses, if you will, kind of like in the style that, say, Einstein's used to have, with probably about 6-7 varieties.  While making the difficult decision, a worker came up, interrupted my thought process, and asked, "Let me know if you'd like any coffee that we don't have."

This, of course, puzzled the living heck out of me and left me momentarily speechless.  How exactly does one answer this question?!  What does that even mean?!  These were the initial things that popped into my head, and then about all I could manage to squeak out was a "um, okay, thanks."  I mean, what can you possibly say to this question after all?

I then pondered this even more.  Was he saying that he had more coffee in the back and that he'd get it if it was requested?  Or, was he asking for opinions for possible additional flavors and styles, like, "...I really wish you had X coffee..."?  My personal favorite hypothesis, though, was that he meant it literally; "let me know if you'd like any coffee that we don't have".  Hmm.

I then couldn't resist but run with this in my mind a bit.  Maybe this guy ALWAYS talks like this - could you imagine?  He walks into a bank:  "Hi, I'd like to withdraw some money...that I don't have".  "Here's my ATM card...that I left at home".  "I'll place the funds into my wallet...which is in my other trousers".  Or, maybe he asks other patrons at the food establishment, "Tell me if you'd like to order something off of the menu...that we don't actually make".  "Would you like to add avocado...which we don't keep on hand?"  I mean, imagine the possibilities here!  This could be a very interesting world to live in and it immediately made me want to be his friend, just to see exactly how far this curious line of communication could actually go.  Then again (sigh), it's probably more much likely that he either had a slip of the tongue or it was simply a language barrier.  Still, ah, yes, I much prefer my version.

We all know that communication is going down the toilet.  The English language has certainly been bastardized by the likes of texting, laziness, and an overall feeling that proper communication is simply unimportant.  I personally think it's a huge part of what we all hate about daily life now and the demise of common courtesy...and yet most people don't seem to want to admit it or do a thing to change it.  Therefore, I stand on my lone island, the defender of the language, kind of like Joan of Ark as she burned at the stake, while everyone else around me attempts to communicate via a series of grunts, emoji's, and bizarre shorthand.  I'll continue to use complete sentences, dammit, no matter what, even in texts.  Grrr!  Oh, wait, that's a grunt...please ignore.

And now, I think I'll go play some music...that was never made.

Saturday, December 09, 2023

The Beat Goes On

I'll admit that I'm running out of titles for these posts.  Geez.  I also keep wanting to get back to more amusing entries but alas that's been a bit difficult over the past couple of months.

I guess first up I'll say that my eyesight has moderately improved over the past 2-3 weeks.  In fact, it improved enough that I was able to drive myself over to see Devo in Del Mar, which actually turned out to be the best show I saw all year long (albeit I didn't see that many).  At that time, I still drove with an eyepatch over my bad eye, especially at night with all the glare of the lights.  Once I got into the venue that evening, it was a bit disorienting trying to walk amongst other people without bumping into them or other objects, and I mainly kept to myself.  Alas, I got through it and ended up having a great time.  Oddly, I had never seen Devo before.

About two weeks later, I finally stopped using the eyepatch while working.  I found that the double vision had gone down a bit and therefore I could make it through the day without the added inconvenience of this material hanging over my eye.  I still don't see great at all, mind you, but it's nice to be able to have my eye "open" again and without a huge amount of double vision.

I found that I could start trusting driving a bit more as well as getting back on my bike, all of which I took slowly and with extra caution.  I just recently graduated to not using the eyepatch while driving period, and I also made my first long drive since probably 5 years ago, with driving out to Arizona to see friends and family.

I wish I could say that everything's been better but a very dear friend of mine experienced a terrible tragedy in his family of which I won't go into here, and then just days later my aunt passed away, hence the trip to AZ.  It was all very earth shattering and hard to get a grip on.  I was pleased that I could actually make the journey, though, and I dare say that I wouldn't have been able to do it only a week or two before.

This week, I finally had Moh's appointment #8, the last of the original group.  I was supposed to have this one done back in early October but I had to cancel due to the retina detachment.  2023 has been...well, quite a year, and certainly not a good one for me at all.  I had grand plans of getting tons of things done this year, least of all music projects and also starting on a major house renovation, and basically everything has been delayed repetitively due to all the dramas going on.  I know I've said it many times before but getting old(er) is hell, I tell ya.

At this point, if I'm still breathing past the first of the New Year, I'll consider it a "win" because, well, wow.  More so than ever, I wake up each day happy being able to see another day.  Now, if I could only get back to business, per se.

I'm now looking ahead to having my usual 2 weeks off over Xmas, something I greatly look forward to every year and that usually gets away from me.  Ah yes, but not this year...we're going to make the most of it, right?!  I said, right??!!  Yes, right!