Thursday, February 25, 2021

Spirit Awards Madness Returns Tomorrow

 As a member of Film Independent, an organization and membership that I simply can't recommend enough to any cinephile, we're about to kick off the 2021 Spirit Awards frenzy of movie watching tomorrow.  Basically, the Spirit Awards are sort of like an independent film version of the Academy Awards, and they're shown on IFC every year, normally around February.  This year, everything is pushed back a bit due to COVID and I believe they'll be shown at the end of April.  They're kind of unique because the members of Film Independent are the sole voters on what films get 95% of the awards.  Since I take film very seriously, I try to watch every single film that they send me so that I can properly vote, and that more or less means taking in around 30 film in 30 days each year.  It's a bit exhausting but also rather fulfilling since you watch things you'd probably never watch or know about otherwise.

What's my point?  It means that my time will be balanced over the next month with watching movies.  I know, just what I need, right?!  I have a hard enough time juggling work, music, writing, etc., and now let's throw movie watching in the mix.  It's almost like I'm punishing myself.

I have a few other blog entries that I have written in my head but yet have committed to the computer.  Perhaps I'll get to those soon before they altogether disappear.

Other than that, the "Mirror Land" artwork is basically done and I've been fooling around with coming up with logos and other odds and ends.  It's a lot to take in all at once.  I wish I had the funds to hire someone.  Wouldn't that be grand?

Thursday, February 04, 2021

I'm Still Alive

No, the title of this post has nothing to do with COVID-19.  I mean, I guess it kind of does...I have not gotten COVID-19, etc., but it's more about the lack of posts over the (gulp!) last four years.  In truth, I've been meaning to transfer my blogging over to a different platform, and therefore stopped writing back in 2017 with that full intention.  Time got away from me once again, though, and so here I am, four years later, still touching this old volume of thoughts and observations.  I figured something is better than nothing at this point.  I also have a lot of news to share so I needed some sort of forum.

2020 was of course a very strange and trying year for us all on so many different levels.  Being an introvert to the max (I prefer the term 'home body', btw), the 'not seeing people' thing really didn't affect me that much since I prefer my alone time.  My creative spirit was in full force, though, and I made the goofy decision to begin recording yet another album, this one being an instrumental album, even though my list of unfinished recordings in the proverbial hopper is beyond words (let's just say that I run out of fingers when counting how many albums there are).  The good news is that the new instrumental album is pretty far along and I'm thinking it just may be released by summer.  I'm so far very pleased with and excited by the results.

In other news, I missed the 20th anniversary of my first recorded album/instrumental album "Lost Weekend" but I've been working diligently on remixing it.  I'm hoping to see it get the full treatment for the first time ever, hopefully sounding way better than the original (and maybe looking better as well).  I'll be talking about this more in days to come.

Lastly, the "Mirror Land" EP which has been sitting around waaaaay too long is my first and main priority right now.  It's only 3 songs and they're all from my very early days (would you believe 1989 - 91?) but I'm actually very pleased with it.  They're probably three of my favorite and best tracks from the early days, hence they needed to see the light of day at long last.  Look for that hopefully soon.

That's it for now.  Stay safe and be creative; it can be a real lifesaver.