Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Thinking of Baseball

Hah!  I can't help but laugh at that title.  Well, for those of you young 'un's, that phrase used to be a sort of recommendation for, um, a certain 'something', something that used to be recommended to young men specifically (and that's all I'm saying).  In my case, though, the title is really about my lack of any real update, all due to the fact that the San Diego Padres just happened to make it into the Post Season.  And yes, folks, that is my excuse for doing close to nothing on the musical horizon over the past couple of weeks.

I was fortunate to see both a Division series game and an NLCS game, albeit not the "right" one, mind you (meaning they lost).  In any event, baseball fever has overtaken San Diego in general and so all scheduling is right now revolving around the game times.  I even skipped two shows that I was planning on going to.  You can tell that this is serious stuff.

Apart from that, I now have a plan in place for getting a couple tracks mixed, one by Peele and the other by myself.  I'm hoping to have something released online at least in the next 2 months.  In the meantime, I need to somehow get my head back "in the game", as they say.  See what I did there??

Meanwhile, ideas are rattling around in my head, enough that they're beginning to make some real noise.  I have a week off coming up in November and so I simply need to get back to it soon in order to be productive.

On the listening front, one of the albums in my current rotation is Richard and Linda Thompson's "I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight" CD which I just recently found/acquired, actually based upon Marc Maron mentioning it more than once.  I must say that I'm liking it quite a bit.  Now, see?  That had nothing at all to do with baseball.  Go figure.