Something very strange is hitting the internet this year and it's something I can't really get my head around. Maybe it's just me (probably not) but almost everywhere I turn online I'm seeing this:
I! It's some bizarre ad for a "robot bunny", apparently "taking the internet by storm" or so they claim. Um...huh?? I mean, why?!
I've said this countless times before but I'll say it again: at times like this, I don't feel like I'm a human being nor of this planet. For example, I can tell you firsthand that I have absolutely, positively, without any doubt in my life no reason or desire at all to have a robot bunny crawling around my house. In fact, the mere concept of it boggles my brain. Why would ANYONE want a robot bunny doing a limp hop throughout their home?!
Yeah, sure, it's Spring...Easter is on the near horizon, and so on, but how in the hell does that equate to a robot bunny? In my head at least, "Spring != Robot Bunny", to put it in technical terms, nor do I see how that equation is changed to a positive for anyone. Ah, but then again, this leads me to my other old rant about none other than marketing, something that I've simply never understood...ever.
Going back to my comment about not feeling human, I'll openly admit that I often hum or sing along to various ditties from commercials, etc., and may even say something akin to the fact that I really like a specific commercial or presentation. What I don't do because of this, however, is buy the actual product...unless I'm already buying the product, if you know what I mean. To be even more blunt, half the time I know the song/ditty really well but have no clue what the product actually is or what it's for. In other words, marketing for the most part simply doesn't work on me nor do I think it ever really has except for possibly when I was really young, like pre 20's. Ever since then, however, I simply feel rather immune to it and often wonder why companies waste the money.
It's then that it hits me...SOMEBODY is buying the product due to these stupid commercials, right? I mean, if no one bought it, they wouldn't advertise! So, bringing this back to the bunny above, some damn fool out there is clicking on this idiotic looking robot bunny and then possibly purchasing it. Why you ask? Beats the living sh*t out of me. All I can tell you, though, is that if YOU'RE that person, well, you're ruining it for all of us since we all now have to suffer from watching this goofy little yellow bunny hoppin' around on our screens. Also, just for the record, I'm not sure bunnies actually come in the color yellow either - sorry, I just needed to throw that in there as well.
Seriously, folks, we need to wise up as a population and stop the madness. There have been a lot of proposed boycotts lately but how about we all just agree at the very least to boycott the robot bunny?! Ah, that would be a dream most certainly.